Assistant Behavior Analyst Certificate

Assistant Behavior Analyst Certificate


亚洲博彩平台的助理行为分析师研究生证书课程为学生提供了一流的, 全面发展的, online educational experience. 该计划适合已经获得本科学位但想专攻行为分析的个人. BCaBA®证书课程包括由国际行为分析协会(ABAI)认证的16个学分的课程,并满足BCaBA®级别认证的BACB®课程要求. 自2022年1月1日起,学生有两种途径申请BCaBA®认证. Each pathway requires a degree, behavior-analytic content, supervised fieldwork, and passing the BCaBA® certification examination. View the Verified Course Sequence Grid ABAI提供.

BCaBA® Eligibility Pathways

ABAI Accredited Degree

  1. 获得abai认可的学士学位课程
  2. 在应用行为分析中完成实际的实地工作

Behavior Analytic Coursework

  1. Earn an undergraduate degree
  2. Complete behavior-analytic coursework
  3. 在应用行为分析中完成实际的实地工作


  • 16 total credits of coursework
  • 100% online convenience for students
  • Graduate in as few as four semesters
  • 每年三个容易入学的时期(秋季、春季和夏季)
  • Live weekly meetings with co-instructors
  • ABAI verified course sequence (51229 BCaBA 5th ed.)


我们的四学期助理行为分析师研究生证书符合BCaBA®(董事会认证助理行为分析师)的教学要求® VCS #51229) credential. BCaBA®证书还需要学士学位和有监督的实地工作经验. 在每个学期, 学生修四学分,学期上半学期修三学分课程,下半学期修一学分课程.

学期BCaBA® Verified Course Sequence (16 credits over 4 semesters (approx. 16金属氧化物半导体.))学分

学期1 BEH5041: Introduction to 概念 & 原则 of Behavior Analysis 3 $510/credit hr = $1530
BEH5044: Ethics for Behavior Analysts 1 1 $510/credit hr = $510 
学期2 行为分析中的测量与实验设计 3 $510/credit hr = $1530
BEH5047: Introduction to Assessment and Intervention 1 $510/credit hr = $510 
学期3 BEH5048:评估 & Behavior Change Procedures for Skill Acquisition & Performance Improvement 3 $510/credit hr = $1530
BEH5050:监督 & Management Fundamentals 1 $510/credit hr = $510 
学期4 BEH5049:评估 & Behavior Change Procedures for Behavior Reduction 3 $510/credit hr = $1530
BEH5045: Ethics for Behavior Analysts 2 1 $510/credit hr = $510 
  Program Total: $8160

学校董事会已经批准了2024-2025学年的学杂费. Tuition and fees are subject to change without notice.



  • 春季(1月)
  • 夏季(5月)
  • 秋天(八月)

See 校历


  • 原则 of Behavior Analysis
  • Ethics for Behavior Analysts
  • Measurement and Experimental Design
  • Assessment and Intervention
  • Behavior Change Procedures

Why Become Credentialed in Behavior Analysis?

You already know we have your major.

Now learn everything else you want to know!


Get the facts about graduate studies at 亚洲博彩平台

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

You have three graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. At an Education Center near you
  4. Get the Education Center Brochure

  5. 100%的在线
  6. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. 在校园
  2. Download the Grad Guide!

  3. 100%的在线
  4. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

You have two graduate study opportunities:

  1. At an Education Center near you
  2. Get the Education Center Brochure

  3. 100%的在线
  4. Learn more about 亚洲博彩平台在线

BACB.com的标志的 answer is marketability. 应用行为分析从业者知道,认证是就业增长和安全的关键. 在学校工作或咨询方面,对训练有素、经过董事会认证的行为分析专业人员的需求越来越大, early intervention programs, 天计划, residential settings, and home-based programs. 的 career options are nearly limitless. 事实上,从2010年到2020年,对bcba的需求增长了4200%.

Behavior Analysis Demand is on the Rise


我们邀请您重新定义您的职业轨迹,拓展您的专业视野和未来机会. 今天开始参加我们的ABA在线课程,加入我们的使命,通过改善他人的生活,让世界变得更美好, one person at a time.

图表4,董事会认证行为分析师的职位发布数量从2010年的789个增加到33个,增长了200%,996 in 2020


Graph data from the Behavior Analyst Certification Board, US 就业 Demand for Behavior Analysts: 2010-2020, © 2021, BACB®
Number of Job Postings 789 1144 1342 2638 2903 3901 6203 7091 16109 28967 33996



ABAI-Verified Course Sequence

的 Association for Behavior Analysis International (ABAI) 是否已验证该计划符合资格参加董事会认证助理行为分析师®(VCS #51229)考试的课程要求. 申请人在被视为有资格参加考试之前,需要满足额外的要求.

Content Areas and CoursesBACB Ethics Code and Code-Enforcement System; ProfessionalismPhilosophical Underpinnings概念 & 原则Philosophical Underpinnings; 概念 & 原则 (BCaBA use only)Measurements, Data Display and Interpretation; Experimental Design行为评估Behavior-Change Procedures; Selecting and Implementing InterventionsPersonnel Supervision and Management开始日期:
BCBA(参考) 45 90    45 45 60 30    
BCaBA(参考) 30     45 30 45 60 15    
BEH5041      45           08/24/2020  
BEH5042   45             01/10/2022  
BEH5043         45        01/11/2021  
BEH5044 15               08/24/2019  
BEH5045 15               01/10/2020  
BEH5047           10 5   01/11/2021  
BEH5048           15 30   05/10/2021  
BEH5049           20 25   08/30/2021  
BEH5050               15 01/10/2021  


After two decades of providing top-notch, on-campus behavior analysis education, 何塞Martinez-Diaz, Ph.D.成立了阿坝在线,在全球范围内提供培训. 亚洲博彩平台的ABA在线以其在准备职前和实践行为分析师方面的卓越表现而享誉国际. 作为最大的在线行为分析课程提供商, 亚洲博彩平台ABA在线课程始终为学生的考试成绩做好准备 national average on BCaBA and BCBA exams.


BCaBA Exam Pass Rates20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
亚洲博彩平台 69% 67% 71% 79% 74% 81% 81% 76% 74% 74.82% 81%
BACB®平均 57% 57% 62% 70% 65% 65% 62% 62% 66%  61%  49%
BCBA Exam Pass Rates  20122013201420152016201720182019202020212022
亚洲博彩平台 70% 66% 68% 76% 71% 74% 78% 75% 76% 74.06% 77%
BACB®平均 58% 58% 60% 65% 66% 65% 65% 63% 66%  60%  55%


BCaBA Specializations and Applications

应用行为分析(ABA)既是一门科学,也是一门专业,致力于通过促进个人独立来解决人类日常问题和需求, teaching individuals new skills, and helping reduce destructive habits; it can even be applied to organizational cultures, 在更有效地实现组织目标的同时,提高员工满意度. 简单地说,行为分析是研究学习如何发生以及行为如何变化的科学. When applied to the human condition, 它试图通过仔细调整行为发生的环境方面来产生积极的行为变化. 每一天, 成千上万的委员会认证助理行为分析师(BCaBAs)正在帮助个人, 家庭, 社区, 各组织寻求各自的成果,实现各自的目标, self-identified goals.

Behavior Analysis Career Fields:

  • Board Certified Behavior Analyst
  • Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst
  • Special Education Teacher
  • 人力资源 Professional
  • Children and 家庭 服务
  • 临床研究员
  • 行为研究员
  • ABA Training Coordinator
  • University/College Professor
  • Organizational Behavior Management Career
  • Registered Behavior Technician®
  • Clinical Director/Supervisor
  • Certified Autism Specialist (CAS)
  • 的rapist School Interventionist
  • 生活教练
  • Animal Training and Care
  • Owner/Director of Child Care Center
  • 健康教练
  • Personal 健康 and 健康 Trainer
  • 非营利部门
  • Career Financial Behavior
  • 动物行为学家
  • 动物园动物驯兽师

Subspeciality Areas In Behavior Analysis:

  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • 注意力缺陷多动症
  • Mental 健康 Disorders
  • 老年医学
  • 取证
  • Behavioral 老年医学
  • Behavioral Pediatrics
  • 健康与健身
  • 行为医学
  • 体育
  • 生活指导
  • Environment/Sustainability
  • 育儿
  • Education/Special Education
  • 动物训练
  • External/Internal Business Consultant
  • Training/Learning and Development
  • Instructional Design
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Organizational Development
  • 人力资源